9 Business Ideas Every Fashion Entrepreneur Should Explore Now
The events of the last few months have gotten every business owner rethinking their position in the ecosystem. Business models are changing; new products are being introduced while others are being relegated to the background. In fact, some business ventures are going-under altogether.
Surveys have shown that the Startup Fashion Segment is among the worst hit by the adverse effects of the pandemic, which means, the big Fashion Brands may not be as significantly affected as the smaller emerging brands who do not have the structure to keep the orders coming in, even in a pandemic. Hence, if you are currently having doubts about your fashion business due to poor sales during this pandemic, you are not wrong to have such worries, it makes sense.
However, what matters most is how you respond to that risk! Do you diversify your products? or target a new audience? or change your change your business model entirely? Well, the questions are many, and answers seem few.
We know you are already thinking about how to diversify your Fashion Business, that is why in this article we have gathered information on some very good ventures you can start, without going outside the Fashion Space.
1. Write a Fashion-Related Book
Put your experience into a book and help people navigate their personal or business ‘Fashion Journeys’; discovering Fashion, style or the business of fashion through the originality of your own experience. Understand that what you know is always news to someone, it’s just about knowing how to find them. With the right Marketing, a product like this will work.
2. Become a Fashion Columnist
Got something to say about the latest or vintage trends as well as news emerging from the world of fashion? Put it into writing by becoming a fashion columnist. Fashion columnists go on to be hired as Buyers for major fashion retailers. Others get paid to promote fashion brands or get hired as a consultant on a subject on which you have shown knowledge.
3. Focus on Maternity Wear
It could be argued that, when it comes to maternity wear, it simply isn’t trendy enough! Plug this hole in the market by starting your own highly fashionable line of maternity wear, which will immediately gain the attention of the target audience. Another reason to consider this niche is because at any time and in any economic situation; there is always a market for these.
4. Produce Personal Protection and Safety Gears
PPE Wears play a major role in the global efforts to manage the COVID-19 Pandemic, hence a continued need for these products by both individuals and organisations; this demand is expected to continue for the next six months, at least. You can quickly tap into this by producing Facemasks, coveralls, ward robes, Scrubs and the likes.
5. Start Lingerie or Lounging Wears Production
Enjoy a thriving business even in a pandemic by making and selling your own lingerie or lounging wear! As more and more people began to work from home, the need for more indoor wears in their wardrobes became obvious to most people. All of a sudden, they had to dress, not for outings, but to stay indoors. Clothes that cater to comfort as well as intimacy at home gained a lot of attention as a result; you certainly can build a product line around this opportunity.
6. Become a Fashion YouTuber
Creating content for fashion will always be a good option to explore, it might not be the go-to strategy for immediate revenue, but it sure has potentials to become a good money-maker if you get it right. YouTube in particular provides a host of opportunities for people to make a profitable income. Showcase your fashion-related talents by posting videos on YouTube, from makeup tutorials to illustration, dressmaking and others. All you need to start is just a smartphone.
7. Make Baby Clothes
Baby clothes make us coo with adoration. Again, this constantly in demand strand of the fashion market is crying out for creative designers to bring us more adorable baby clothes. One more thing, the demand keeps coming, because babies outgrow their clothes really fast, hence a need for constant supply of stylish pieces…the even better news is, you can be the unique plug, for baby clothes that tell the African Story.
8. Mend Clothes
This doesn’t sound so fancy you’ll think, but it all depends on the excellence with which this idea is executed. In the hands of a true creative, an amazing venture can be born, mending clothes. You can be the ‘fashion life saver’ by opening your own clothes-mending business.
9. Explore Fashion Drop-shipping
Find out the fashion pieces people are interested in buying at every given time, and be the person to get them the best of it.
The decision of what to do and how to do it is a complex one, if you will not fail, you MUST seek professional help in making these decisions. To get started on how to strategically position your brand for success Post-COVID, fill this form here https://bit.ly/Fashion234